Tamilnadu (a state in southern India) easily ranks as one of the craziest movie following market in India. Added to this, there will be atleast one movie that’s hitting theaters every month. Unless the movie has big start value, it’s hard to pull the crowd to the theaters to make them experience the movie. Film producers find it’s difficult to differentiate their film from the rest in traditional marketing methods! 

To create a differentiation and a different offering for the movie crazy young fans, producers of Mutthirai an action packed romantic movie, wanted to try out a new mode of advertising in contrary to the conventional form of promoting movies and to break away from the clutter.

ASA productions partnered with TeliBrahma Convergent communications, India’s leading mobile solutions company based out of Bangalore. TeliBrahma possesses BluFi, its proprietary product, where marketers can engage with users over mobile with TeliBrahma’s 1000+ Blufi zones like Mc Donald’s, Barista, CafĂ© Coffee day, Shopping malls, Commercial streets and ability to convert any location on to an instant Bluetooth zone!

The objective is to reach out to people movie crazy fans in Chennai and to provide them a better experience about the movie on their mobile! Hence the campaign was carried out in popular hangout locations like Baristas and Shopperstop in Chennai for duration of 3 weeks. 

Users in the locations were educated about the promotions and prompted to turn their mobile Bluetooth to know more about the movie. Multiple mobile wallpapers of the movie were delivered to the users mobile along with the audio tracks from the movie. Users who wanted the complete song track were diverted to the WAP site of UTV, digital partners of ASA production and there they were able to download the full song directly on to their mobile.
This was the first time ever in the Tamil industry that an innovative mobile solution is used for a movie promotion! And for the users who were used to conventional promos, this happened to be a new experience and it was reflected in number of downloads!

We have connected to over 4000+ movie fans in the campaign period who got excited and downloaded the mobile wall papers and audio capsule of the movie. In a nutshell all fans went back with a piece of the movie which triggered a reason to watch the movie in the big screen! 

“Today, one cannot just do TV commercials and press ads to make sure a buzz for a film is created. To get the target audience of Mutthirai involved with the movie, we needed an interactive promotion. Doing Bluetooth publicity and providing wallpapers, ring tones with TeliBrahma not only helped us to create awareness about Mutthirai but also promote other paid downloads!. We wanted to leverage on the hit music of Mutthirai that became a good talking point for the movie and downloads were good way to trigger it” said Urmi Thakur, Marketing Executive of ASA productions.
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Team TELiBrahma.