Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Following is the news article about TELiBrahma by one of the leading business media brand in India "MINT"

Picks from India’s start-up landscape

TELiBrahma Convergent Communications Pvt Ltd

What does it do: TELiBrahma is a mobile solutions provider which offers Bluetooth-enabled advertising solutions for cellphones (Bluetooth, a short-distance wireless technology, allows data connectivity between devices).

Investors: Inventus Capital, Ojas Venture Partners
Likely exit: M&A or IPO

Why it is hot: Advertisers need or prefer ad mediums/networks that enable or provide qualified reach, accountability of the spending in terms of measurability, rich media applications, cost-effective advertising and promotion at the point of sale or location. While existing mobile-based ad solutions aim to address the above needs of advertisers, they are dependent on service providers, and require either phones with GPS (global positioning system) or triangulation-based cellular techniques to reach customers thereby limiting scope. TELiBrahma with its nationwide network of Bluetooth enabled zones is positioned to take advantage of the emerging digital advertising landscape. “As ad spends increasingly move towards digital media/BTL with clear emphasis on measurability and relevance, we expect that TELiBrahma’s offering will do exceedingly well,” says Rajesh Srivathsa, managing partner, Ojas Venture Partners. BTL is short for below the line advertising that does not rely on traditional channels such as television, print or radio.

Click here for the source.

Good day,

Team TELiBrahma.


Monday, June 29, 2009

“Michael Jackson is no more with us”. The news that made millions of fans across the globe spend their night sleepless! 

We at Telibrahma also share the same grief as the rest of his fans. After all he was an Icon who proved that talent knew no boundaries and innovation is what matters to make a difference!

Most of our employees are huge fans of MJ and we decided to pay a tribute to the king of pop, and more importantly, tribute to a real hero who inspired millions of kids to dream big!

Within 30 mins of the news in 26th June, we decided to provide fans memories of MJ that can reside on their mobile phone!

 We have worked on an animated content that provided the achievements of MJ, and took fans back to golden days of POP! This is completely a NON-COMMERCIAL activity from Telibrahma, where we just wanted to pass the memories of one of the best music personality of the century!

We have delivered the content in all our BluFi zones (Bluetooth enabled locations) across India like McDonalds, Barista, shopping malls, youth hangouts, restaurants, corporate locations etc...

The challenge was that there were no communication to the users about the content due to virtually zero turn around time! But we believed in the oldest form of communication to spread the word out – “Word of mouth”! 

We did this as a gesture of goodwill for his fans and to pay homage to a real hero. But what turned out was a result we didn’t even imagine! We have connected to over 40,000 unique fans in just two and a half days! Total number of Virals involved among peers was not accounted!

We believed that if the content is good, relevant and makes sense, users will spread the word out. And we have seen that many users were sending sms to their friends about the activity! And they have asked their friends to turn on their mobile bluetooth to receive special MJ content!

This activity proved the basics of mobile marketing: “Provide content that’s relevant and do that in an interesting way!” And more than that we have to ACT not REACT to achieve results in mobile marketing!

And our employees at TELiBrahma made it a “MJ-ONLY-DAY”! Who ever listening to music were playing ONLY Michael Jackson songs for the entire day!

Thank you MJ, for entertaining, inspiring and at last taught us few things!

Good day,

Team TELiBrahma.

Find more details about TELiBrahma, Here.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tamilnadu (a state in southern India) easily ranks as one of the craziest movie following market in India. Added to this, there will be atleast one movie that’s hitting theaters every month. Unless the movie has big start value, it’s hard to pull the crowd to the theaters to make them experience the movie. Film producers find it’s difficult to differentiate their film from the rest in traditional marketing methods! 

To create a differentiation and a different offering for the movie crazy young fans, producers of Mutthirai an action packed romantic movie, wanted to try out a new mode of advertising in contrary to the conventional form of promoting movies and to break away from the clutter.

ASA productions partnered with TeliBrahma Convergent communications, India’s leading mobile solutions company based out of Bangalore. TeliBrahma possesses BluFi, its proprietary product, where marketers can engage with users over mobile with TeliBrahma’s 1000+ Blufi zones like Mc Donald’s, Barista, Café Coffee day, Shopping malls, Commercial streets and ability to convert any location on to an instant Bluetooth zone!

The objective is to reach out to people movie crazy fans in Chennai and to provide them a better experience about the movie on their mobile! Hence the campaign was carried out in popular hangout locations like Baristas and Shopperstop in Chennai for duration of 3 weeks. 

Users in the locations were educated about the promotions and prompted to turn their mobile Bluetooth to know more about the movie. Multiple mobile wallpapers of the movie were delivered to the users mobile along with the audio tracks from the movie. Users who wanted the complete song track were diverted to the WAP site of UTV, digital partners of ASA production and there they were able to download the full song directly on to their mobile.
This was the first time ever in the Tamil industry that an innovative mobile solution is used for a movie promotion! And for the users who were used to conventional promos, this happened to be a new experience and it was reflected in number of downloads!

We have connected to over 4000+ movie fans in the campaign period who got excited and downloaded the mobile wall papers and audio capsule of the movie. In a nutshell all fans went back with a piece of the movie which triggered a reason to watch the movie in the big screen! 

“Today, one cannot just do TV commercials and press ads to make sure a buzz for a film is created. To get the target audience of Mutthirai involved with the movie, we needed an interactive promotion. Doing Bluetooth publicity and providing wallpapers, ring tones with TeliBrahma not only helped us to create awareness about Mutthirai but also promote other paid downloads!. We wanted to leverage on the hit music of Mutthirai that became a good talking point for the movie and downloads were good way to trigger it” said Urmi Thakur, Marketing Executive of ASA productions.
Find more case studies from TELiBrahma Here.
For more information about TELiBrahma Click here.

Good day,
Team TELiBrahma.

Monday, June 22, 2009

When Kropex, dealers for General Motors in Bangalore, India decided to try out Bluetooth based marketing for the LPG variant of Chevrolet Spark they didn’t expect 10500+ downloads in just 2 days activity in a shopping mall!

Kropex partnered with Telibrahma Convergent communications, India’s leading mobile solutions company based out of Bangalore.

TELiBrahma possesses BluFi, its proprietary product, where marketers can engage with users over mobile with TELiBrahma’s 1000+ BluFi zones like Mc Donalds, Barista, Café Coffeeday, Shopping malls, Commercial streets etc...

Chevrolet Spark was one of the early adopters of “PRODCASTER”, an innovation from TELiBrahma Convergent Communications where a product can communicate to its consumers directly!

“This demonstrates how TELiBrahma can enhance the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns. Display and mall activation are a proven property and our media ensures higher level of engagement, excitements, measurements and more importantly, results” explains, Suresh Narasimha, CEO of TELiBrahma Convergent Communications.

In the campaign what turned to be a buzz builder among the weekend crowd in the famous FORUM mall in Bangalore, existing BluFi infrastructure in the mall was converted in to a “Chevy Zone”. Cars which were exhibited in the mall were enabled with the Bluetooth transmitters.

Users in the mall could download wallpapers, car details, specifications in animated format, details of the dealer etc! Users in other parts of the mall received a communication about the car prompting them to check out the car in the exhibition area.

There was a great excitement about the activity since users never experienced some thing like this before and they started to spread the word among their peer groups. There were around 10500 downloads for the content against the average 1000-2000 downloads in the same location on a normal weekend.

Despite the negative media publicity for General Motors in recent times, users showed interest towards the promotion and have enquired for more details about Chevy Spark from the representatives in “Chevy Stall”, and expressed their trust with the Indian arm of General Motors!

For detailed case study of the campaign,  Click here. 

Find more information about TELiBrahma  Here.

Good day,

Team Telibrahma.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Client: UB Group, Kingfisher

Campaign Objective:

• To create brand connect with the target audience during the Indian Premier League 2009

• To communicate the message that Kingfisher is a Goodtimes partner of 5 teams

• Target age group: 18 to 30 years

The Campaign:

• The campaign was carried out in two phases. First there was a photo upload contest and then a Kingfisher contest

• As Kingfisher was part of 5 teams as their GOODTIMES partner, we asked users to upload their Goodtimes photo from their mobile

• In the second phase we carried out a Kingfisher contest wherein people received a contest form with questions regarding their local team and Kingfisher. E.g. ‘Who is the goodtimes partner of Mumbai Indians?’

• At the end of the activity, lucky winners were selected and presented with Kingfisher team merchandise


• Kingfisher is associated with Beer and hence we could not promote the brand directly

• To break the myth that users won’t be receptive to mobile engagement ideas like photo upload, contests over mobile were initiated


• More than 2 lakh downloads in 5 cities

• Around 814 photos were uploaded and 1036 responses on the contest within a fortnight.

Campaign Success

• The campaign saw the viral element at its best as there was more call to actions and the target audience has once again reiterated the fact that members responding to brand advertisements are high when it comes to mobile advertising.

For the detailed case study, please Click HERE

Good day,

Team TELiBrahma.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Bluetooth SIG Adds Speed, Bandwidth via 802.11 with Version 3.0 of the Global Wireless Standard

From its annual All Hands Meeting in Tokyo last week, the Bluetooth SIG formally adopted Bluetooth Core Specification Version 3.0 High Speed (HS), or Bluetooth 3.0. This latest iteration of the popular short-range wireless technology fulfills the consumers’ need for speed while providing the same wireless Bluetooth experience – faster. The biggest improvement for the new standard is speed, which jumps from a top transfer rate of 3 Mbps found in the current Bluetooth standard to 24 Mbps in 3.0, according to the Bluetooth SIG.

So what exactly is Bluetooth 3.0?

Bluetooth 3.0 is the new version of the Bluetooth standard and reportedly is 160 times faster than the earlier version Bluetooth 2.1 with file transfer rates at 480 Megabit per second in close proximity and 100 megabits per second at 10 meters.

The drastical improvement in the throughput is achieved by using 802.11 technology, not technically Wi-Fi but reportedly the advancement in the standard allows the Bluetooth wireless frequency to piggyback on the Wi-Fi, allowing Bluetooth over Wi-Fi.

This is actually implemented by using two compatible Bluetooth modules that coordinate a switch to 802.11 to move bulk files and once the file transfer is complete, the device coordinate a switch back to the slower and backwards compatible 3 Mbps rate.

What are we going to see?

The blazing fast data speed of the improved standard can be used for a slew of applications including Video streaming from camcorders to TV sets and Computers, Computers and TV’s to Mobile phones, Wireless streaming of presentation from laptops to projectors and many more.

Apart from the streaming between consumer devices Mobile social networking and Bluetooth based mobile advertising is going to shape up to the next level. With throughputs comparable to Wi-Fi these business can do some really awesome stuff with Bluetooth 3.0.


With the availability of Bluetooth version 3.0 HS, consumers can expect to move large data files of videos, music and photos between their own devices and the trusted devices of others, without the need for cables and wires.

Some applications consumers will experience include:

  1. Now we can transfer an entire music album or an entire DVD from your PC to your phone in seconds via Bluetooth

  2. Bulk downloads photos to a printer or PC
  3. Send heavy video files from camera or phone to computer or television in seconds
  4. A virtual music store can be crated over a Bluetooth network and consumers can purchase music albums in seconds!
  5. With greater speed and reach, a real-time game in a digital screen between the users spread across different geographies over a Bluetooth network is highly possible! (A user in a Mall in Bangalore can play real-time game with a user in a mall in Mumbai, which is live on a digital screen!)

TELiBrahma convergent communications, a leading mobile solutions player, based out of Bangalore, India with more than 1000+ Bluetooth zones with our proprietary technology BluFi, will adapt Bluetooth 3.0 in near future! We will keep you posted!

For information about how BluFi is used in mobile marketing in bringing brands to life on to the palms of consumers, please visit www.blufimedia.com

For more details about us please visit www.telibrahma.com

Good day,

Team TELiBrahma.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Most of the marketers have signed up for short codes paying anywhere from $ 1500 to $2500 per year per short code (many of them have got multiple short codes).
Assumptions about shortcodes are
a. Short codes are easier for customers to remember and respond
b. Short codes would fetch additional revenue

Let’s see if that is true
Are short codes generating response?
a. Whether it is 5 digits or 10 digits people are not used to remembering number. Further in the case of short codes they also have to remember keyword which makes it difficult proposition
b. Generally short codes respond much less than 5000 responses a month and that too with an investment for educating users on the service
c. Short codes cost the premium to users (costs Rs 1 to Rs 3) creating huge entry barrier for users to respond.
Are Short codes fetching revenue?
Short code normally costs the users Rs 3 and most of this revenue goes to operators. 80% of this revenue would be held by operators and remaining 20% would be shared between the short code service provider and the brand launching the service. Considering 5000 messages the revenue earned is < $30 per month!

Cost associated with Short code

a. As mentioned earlier short codes cost users more than brands gain. Short code needs to be communicated to consumers through ATL, hoardings etc, that further adds to the cost.

Is there an alternative?

Yes! BluFi, a bluetooth based marketing platform from Telibrahma can make provide a convenient and fruitful mobile experience to both consumers and marketers.

- 200K to 500K engagements with the audience targeted based on location and handset profile

- 10-20K responses through SMS, embedded in a mobile form where users just need to press the button to send message without remembering the shortcode without additional investment for educating the users on short code (Refer the creative from our campaign which we carried out for India's leading brand Kingfisher)

- Zero cost and rich brand communication to consumers

To know more about BluFi visit http://blufimedia.com/

BluFi is a proprietary product of Telibrahma. Visit http://www.telibrahma.com/ for more details