Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saarang is an extremely popular college festival of IIT Chennai. The festival is the biggest in the south India and draws a lot of youngsters not only from Chennai but also from other parts of the country.

The young crowd was the perfect audience for Cadbury 5Star to engage with and to provide great brand experience. We have partnered with Cadbury to enable the brand experience in a never-before-manner through BluFi. After the great success for BluFi engagement at IIT Mumbai’s Mood Indigo, Cadbury 5star wanted to take the engagement and excitement at ‘Saarang’ to the next level.

As part of the innovation, we have taken the brand TVC directly on to the palms of the consumers through mobile, even before releasing it in mainstream media! This was a great achievement for an innovative platform like BluFi which holds world of innovation possibilities for brands! This initiative also proves the fact that confidence over BluFi as a truly innovative medium is ever increasing among marketers.

We provided an exciting platform for consumers to engage with Cadbury 5Star with ideas like real-time clues to find a LOST person, invitation to users to capture their LOST moments with 5star and upload the same to BluFi etc. We have got tremendous response from the visitors and great acceptance for BluFi.

Check out more photos generated by users in official 5Star Facebook page.

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Good day

Team TELiBrahma.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What it takes for a brand to provide exciting brand engagement? It’s the Idea! We have witnessed the power of ideas that can take the user engagement to the next level, at recent IIT Mood Indigo ‘09.

Cadbury 5star wanted to provide an exciting engagement to the visitors and make them feel “LOST” in the taste of 5star. We partnered with Cadbury and created different innovative engagement strategies during the 4 day event. The success of the campaign was reflected in the numbers and in the exciting user participation.

Check out the detailed case study below:

Cadbury 5 Star + BluFi @ IIT MOOD Indigo = Excitement!

Good day,
Team TELiBrahma.


Friday, January 8, 2010


For almost 4 years, marketers were expecting mobile to be a dominant force in marketing. But as the years pass by, it became a prophecy which everyone believed in mobile's potential but had no idea why it hasn't happened!

But 2009 definitely has provided a great lift to mobile marketing, thanks to the recession. If the trends in 2009 is an indicator which saw major companies like Google, Apple enter the mobile game, then we,the mobile marketers have the luxury to believe that mobile has arrived!

What do you think?

Click here to register your vote!

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Good day,
Team TELiBrahma.